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The Dynamic Experience of Time Dilation

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

Have you ever had a month that seemed to go by in a blink of an eye? Have you ever had a day that seemed to stretch on forever? There are several factors that can affect the perception of time, referred to formally by astrophysicists as time dilation, and these factors are what create our experience of time, deep Earth natural history and even modern day issues such as global climate change and the modern adaptation of animals.

It may seem hard to believe, but according to a theory proposed by astrophysicists, "millions of years ago" might not actually be "millions of years ago". Different experiments have concluded that gravity, for example, has an effect on the passage of time, much like the perception of our own consciousness. The faster one goes, the slower time seems to pass for the passenger, while "stationary" people experience time at a slower rate in their frame of reference.

Earth's specific gravity not only can affect the passage of time as we perceive it, but also the very nature of season's, lakes and rivers. Is it the energy of the seasons that affects gravity, or is it the gravity that affects the seasons? As we are still formulating an accurate answer to this question, we begin to ascertain more nuanced qualities regarding the passage of time and our perception of it!

In a previous article, I discussed the true nature of modern climates and their relation to the glacial periods, the size of animals and natural history. Yet another factor that contributes to life in this portion of the galaxy is indeed our very position in the galaxy itself!

In the above image of the Earth Sun rotating about the center of the Milky Way galaxy, a very important note explains to us that the curve is actually not static, or “closed”, but actually a curve that continues closer and farther, closer and farther to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, where super massive black holes are drawing us to and fro. A “solar day”, as it were, takes around 250 million years for the sun to make a full orbit around the axis of the Milky Way galaxy. During that time, the Earth Sun passes through varying parts of the galaxy. Theoretically, as we are careening around the cosmos, we are coming into gravitational contact with less dense and more dense areas, and so would have a slower or faster experience of time, a higher rate of Earth travel and a faster experience of the passage of time or a slower rate of travel and slower experience of time. In general, as the earth has taken around 250 million years to get that much closer and farther to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, specific gravity has been routinely increasing and decreasing; therefore, the rate at which time passes has also been increasing and decreasing at unpredictable rates and for unpredictable durations, due to the increased and decreased centripetal and centrifugal force exerted on the Earth. Due to the speed with which Earth’s Sun moves through the universe and it’s potential effect on Earth’s increasing spin rate and the proximity to galactic gravitational events that could exert changes to Earth specific gravity.

Earth's gravity and experience of time can be affected by distant super massive gravitational bodies, like the black holes at the center of our galaxy, and also by local sources of gravity that can also have a distinct effect. For example, our own solar system positioning directly affects the gravity on our planet, which also directly affects the experience of the passage of time, in an ebb and flow, depending on our relative distance to super massive objects like Jupiter, Saturn, black holes, other star clusters and even other galaxies.

The universe is a very dynamic place, rife with extreme collision events that are so massive, they are almost beyond comprehension. Take, for example, this recent record breaking crater found on Earth, indicating not only a rough and tumble history of our planet, but of the passage of time itself due to the gravitational interference of super massive bodies in our stellar neighborhood!

Now let us examine more local sources of gravity being exerted on our planet Earth and her creatures. In the above image of the solar system, notice that the asteroid belt seems to bisect solid planets in the center from the gas giants in the periphery. The asteroid belt itself has been a topic of nonstop contention given its precise location and theoretical origins. For example, there are many scientists who believe that one of these super massive collision events, as discussed above, may have actually been responsible for the destruction of the largest solid planet, affectionately called "Phaeton"! If such a history was true, then the destruction of such a planet in the creation of the the asteroid belt would have had an extreme effect on Earth's experience of time and life itself, including gravity!

Now let us examine another interesting qualifier of our position today, namely, the true source of enormous body sizes of animals in the Jurassic period: dinosaurs. Heavily funded mainstream scientific outlets are quick to give us an assured reasoning complete with the usual oversimplifications, but, upon closer examination, the truth becomes stranger than fiction! In an article entitled "Why did some dinosaurs grow so big?", from the United States Geological Survey, it states:

Paleontologists don't know for certain, but perhaps a large body size protected them from most predators, helped to regulate internal body temperature, or let them reach new sources of food (some probably browsed treetops, as giraffes do today). No modern animals except whales are even close in size to the largest dinosaurs; therefore, paleontologists think that the dinosaurs' world was much different from the world today and that climate and food supplies must have been favorable for reaching great size.

In an article entitled "Why were dinosaurs so big?" from the BBC Science Focus Magazine, it states:

Dinosaurs lived during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. During these periods, the climate was much warmer, with CO₂ levels over four times higher than today. This produced abundant plant life, and herbivorous dinosaurs may have evolved large bodies partly because there was enough food to support them. But being large also helps to protect against predators.

In an article from the National Geographic Magazine, entitled "Dinosaur Reproduction, Not Ancient Gravity, Allowed Super-Sized Sauropods to Evolve", we are conveniently presented with a rather presumptuous and definitive answer for one of the most puzzling questions humans have ever asked:

As part of their respiratory system, sauropods had a complex network of air sacs that gave them two advantages. Not only did the air sacs allow the dinosaurs to breathe more efficiently – more like birds than mammals – but the soft tissues invaded bone to make the skeletons of these dinosaurs lighter without sacrificing strength.

If you're keeping score at home, the reasoning being presented to us by heavily funded mainstream scientists now reads as follows: tiny balloon sacs of air helped keep the unprecedented and enormously gigantic skeletons of Jurassic dinosaurs aloft. The same article from National Geographic continues:

Before getting to the oddities of sauropod biology, though, let’s dispense with the idea that there was something about Earth’s environment that drove dinosaurs to gargantuan sizes. My friend and fellow science writer Matthew Francis covers the gravity angle over at his blog – there’s no evidence that the Earth’s gravity was weaker during the heyday of the dinosaurs. Even as continents shifted around, the Earth’s gravity didn’t change. Canseco’s idea of “nimble” dinosaurs sprinting around in low gravity isn’t grounded on any actual evidence. (Canseco didn’t consider what would happen to all the smaller dinosaurs that lived during the same time as Supersaurus. I can’t help but imagine Stegosaurus happily leaping and bounding over Jurassic plains in reduced gravity.)

In one fell swoop, we are told to “dispense with the idea that there was something about Earth’s environment that drove dinosaurs to gargantuan sizes.” Not only that, but we are also encouraged to cast disdain and ridicule upon any theory utilizing ancient gravity to explain Jurassic sized animals because it supposedly “isn’t grounded on any actual evidence”. Hard to believe because we have been able to plainly prove that, due to the concentric orbit of our solar system, gravity itself must be increasing and decreasing, at random undefined intervals depending on the gravitational influences of bodies in the stellar neighborhood, and in relation to the varying distances between us and the center of the Milky Way galaxy!

The authors of this National Geographic article, who are conveniently not named, attempt to tell us that "Stegosaurus happily leaping and bounding over Jurassic plains in reduced gravity" is totally false, while "Stegosaurus happily leaping and bounding over Jurassic plains" because of tiny air sac balloons floating them about is totally true!

In an article from the Guardian entitled, "How did dinosaurs get so big?" it states:

One reason is that, like modern birds, many dinosaur bones were hollowed out by air sacs extending from their lungs, meaning that a dinosaur would have weighed significantly less than a solid-boned mammal of similar size. It follows that dinosaurs could support a much larger body with their four legs - up to 80 tonnes in the case of the largest plant-eating sauropods (in comparison, today's largest African elephants reach about six tonnes).

Again, we are presented with the idea that the largest dinosaurs on earth were more than ten times heavier than today's largest animals because of these tiny air sacs, but terrestrial animals are subject to a greater "force" of gravity rather than say an animal in the ocean, who experiences reduced gravity as a result of the buoyancy of being in the water. In order for this mainstream theory being presented to us to be true and accurate, the air sacs contained within the bones of the dinosaurs would have to be filled with Helium, or some other gas lighter than air to have the effect, in the way that they say, on the actual tonne weight of the animal itself (because it lives on the land and not in the ocean). That's like saying if we hold a giant balloon filled with regular air, we would physically weigh less which makes no sense!

From the same article at the Guardian, it states: “During the Late Triassic epoch, dinosaurs grew no bigger than today’s largest mammals. However, during the Jurassic period, which began 200m years ago, they developed into giants.” Clearly, our situation as a whole does pose a legitimate venerable mystery. As we discussed earlier, the rotational period of our solar system moving about the center of the Milky Way galaxy takes around 250 million years, a figure that precisely coincides with the timeline being presented to us by mainstream scientific oversimplifications! Not only are we closer to the center of the Milky Way, but we are actually moving at a faster rate than we previously thought, just as the centrifugal and centripetal forces from the closer and farther proximity to the galactic center would have some effect on our stellar neighborhood, just as a ball or coin increases in velocity as it approaches a hole or depression in the center, or a pendulum swings away or loses velocity: the theoretical analog of our galactic motion!

Now let us examine some other key events that happened to take place in the timeframe of around 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs began to reach their maximum heights. Not only was our solar system in a totally different part of the galaxy, concurrently, during the time period mentioned above, our neighboring galaxy of Andromeda also went through massive changes after being hit by a dwarf galaxy, which would have most certainly had an effect on our galaxy! There were also other complex factors leading to extinction level events during the time period of around 200 million years ago. Another extreme extinction event that occurred 200 million years ago also occurred from an asteroid impact. Half of all life went extinct around 200 million years ago, this time due to a methane eruption, again indicating some kind of gravimetric forces pulling and pushing on the earth's mantle! Just as a meteor may have ended the dinosaur era, it may have also started it, again indicating some type of galactic level events having to do with the modulation of Earth specific gravity. Simultaneously, again 200 million years ago, the super continent Pangea also broke apart, indicating yet again potentially astronomical sheering forces in our neck of the woods, forces that could have very well led to the mystery of gigantic dinosaurs of old!

Clearly, there have been multiple events, multiple changes in Earth specific gravity to account for the continued growing and shrinking, growing and shrinking in the history of life on Earth. Oxygen levels, CO2 levels and anatomy themselves are not sufficient enough to explain what exactly we are witnessing in the fossil record!

In my previous article, I examined the shrinking trend of Earth animals taking place over millions of years, and, unlike the oversimplified confines of heavily funded modern academia, I included various species from totally different genera to qualify the hypothesis. Conveniently, most of the modern academic reasoning regarding dinosaur sizes must ignore the changes of body sizes in other animals, including insects and even sharks, in order to make such simplistic presumptions as listed above!

As we can see here, we are being presented with an oversimplified explanation, not only about the natural history of our planet, but our perception and experience of time itself as it is being experienced on this planet! Various theories, spanning across several academic disciplines, are totally lost in a sea of unanswerable questions, as they are confidently formulating reasonings based on limited single-disciplinary approaches, due to their overreliance on incomplete ethnocentric mindsets and their respective myopic worldviews. Few scientists today have the comprehensive and multidisciplinary knowledge base required to formulate big picture takeaways about the geological and cosmological history of planet Earth, including the geological and cosmological history of the Human Being!

Indeed, we have purposefully left out certain intriguing archaeological evidences in order to make this startling scientific exposition for the conclusion of today's publication! Not only have our histories been purposefully rendered into a low-resolution, two dimensional oversimplification, by the limited mindsets of single disciplinary investigative exploits, but also the mysterious nature of the timeframe of our very existence and our literal perception of it!

Several inexplicable archaeological anomalies signify a very different prehistory of humans, a prehistory that extends far beyond the timelines and timescales portrayed to us by tenured academic debutantes. Such a prehistory indicates "millions of years" may not have actually been "millions of years" due mainly to the transitions of gravitational constants in the geologic timescale of Earth. Now we have come full circle, into the depths of questions many are not comfortable or even capable to answer, that sedimentary layers, by which we formulate the timeline of the fossil record, are literally occurring at a different rate than time itself!

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